Thursday, May 3, 2012

Live, Learn, Pass it on

There's a few things about this industry that I really like, and very few that I don't like. For example, I love that an emphasis is being placed on movement quality, heavy compound lifts and bacon. I have had great experiences with almost all of the coaches I've met, and I love the camaraderie that this industry provides.

Personally, though, there is one thing that I really enjoy in this industry and that is teaching. For many years, I told my family that I wanted to be a teacher. It seemed like something that just fit me. My mom, however, is a teacher and talked me out of it many years. She has had a lot of problems with the school system that she works in and didn't want me to have to go through the stress that she goes through. I did manage to go ahead and find my own version of teaching, though.

I get to teach clients every day (except Sunday) how to be just a little bit better. Whether it's how to be a little stronger, a little faster or how to eat a little better. Hell, sometimes it's just teaching someone that they can try something and fail at it, and the world doesn't end. I've written before about how many lessons someone can learn from weight training, and I get to teach them. I like that.

Something that I found out that I really liked was teaching other trainers the right way to do things. In my gym I've had the opportunity to take several young new trainers "under my wing" (so-to-speak) and help them learn the ropes. These trainers have come from all walks of life: physical therapy, athletic training, music and political science just to name a few. Some come with more advanced knowledge than others, but they all come with an interest and wiling-ness to learn.

I'm in no way suggesting that I know everything - I'm the first to admit that my education and my ability is still in it's adolescence. I've still in the process of learning, and I relish each opportunity I get to do so. However, I'm very confident in the knowledge that I do possess. I feel comfortable and confident  telling new trainers the proper form for lifts, explaining why EPOC is elevated after interval training or explaining why yoga and Pilates will, in fact, NOT lengthen or tone your muscles.

I've found this to be a truth in the entire industry. Every more-experienced coach that I've met had no problem sitting down and talking shop, answering any questions and sharing information. Tony Gentilcore, Mike Ranfone, Smitty, Todd Bumgardner and John Gaglione were all really cool guys that really exemplify this trait. With the exception of the Disciples of Charles Poliquin, who tend to keep to themselves, this trait really is industry wide. Why? I think it's because theres no real secrets. No one is dying to give up their programming, per se, but the sharing of ideas and info? That's what this industry is built on. We all know that the basic compound moves are your bread and butter; that's been known for years. Everyone knows that the Prowler is an amazing conditioning tool, and that grass-fed beef and eggs are actually really good for you.

This is a great industry. I'm constantly finding something new to love about it. Now, go lift something heavy! (And if someone in your gym doesn't know how to do a deadlift, teach them!)

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