Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Show and Go

So, I am currently doing Eric Cressey's Show and Go program for the second time. Yes, second time. Last year, I was reading EC's blog one day when he mentioned that he was looking for guinea pigs for the new program he was developing. I shot him an email immediately and was chosen as a participant. 4 months later, and I had great results. I put on about 10 lbs of muscle, and added 50 lbs to my deadlift. My vertical jump stayed the same, but I attribute that to the fact that while getting stronger, I also got heavier.  And yes, I could see my abs by the end. 


After...BOOM, Laser Show.

Not to toot my own horn, but beep beep. After getting these pretty good results, I made the decision that I would do this program again to get ready for summer. I play in some pretty competitive volleyball tournaments over the summer, and this program really helped me get ready to not have a shirt on in public.

So, here I am. Day 1 of Phase 2 was yesterday, and I had some steam to blow off. Started off with Sumo Deadlifts (2x2, 2x4). Felt great. 

Sorry for the funky camera angle, I've yet to figure out a good way to set up my camera at the gym. I will figure it out soon and get better quality footage of lifting.

On another note, watching yourself lift is a great way to pick up on nuances you might not otherwise notice. In this video, I really noticed how slow I am off the floor. I am going to really focus on my speed work and get the bar accelerating a little better.

Thats all for today. Go lift something heavy!!

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